Many of you seemed to love the “Abundant Selling” approach that cuts sleaziness & awkwardness out of your sales process. Not only that, you feel truly inspired to get out there and talk about what you do with full confidence.
Today, I’m jazzed about bringing you part 2 of this concept so that you can continue building up your customer pipeline.
By the way, the juiciest part of this post will be my 3 secret tips at the end, so don’t forget to check that out!
In case you haven’t read “Abundant Selling Pt. 1,” go there first (link) & come back to this because if you don’t start off right, the rest of the steps won’t add any value to your effort. Trust me on this one.
Just to recap, the entire cycle of the Abundant Selling framework looks like this:
Be Seen (Cultivate Curiosity)
Invite (Extract & Learn)
Offer Possibilities (Offer Beyond Their Desires)
Part 1 was all about “cultivating curiosity” by executing the S.O.S. method. I don’t care if you are an extrovert or introvert. Increasing your chance of being seen is the most optimal way to avoid coming across as sleazy or awkward. And, there are many “introvert-friendly” business activities you can do to protect your energy level.
Through the S.O.S. Method, you are basically doing your part by simply showing up while allowing people to decide whether they want to know more about how you help others through your business.
That was part 1.
The next step, the step we are going to cover today is Invite. As I previously outlined, even here at this stage, you don’t have to feel obligated to sell or make an offer.
Instead, consider this step to be the Intel-Gathering stage by extracting information from people you are interacting with in more of a focused setting such as video conferencing, calls & meetings as opposed to being at conferences and/or networking events.
The core objective of the Invite stage is to: